About the Piece: Healing



23.5 inch circle,  2005

Paper Pulp: Background - Lavender, Bamboo, Iris, Kukikuya Grass. Photograph by Gibby Waitzkin and Jade Connolly-Duggan. Printed on Lavender pulp over Cotton.

Flowers: Calendula, Sunflower, Lamb's Ear, Garlic Chives, Baby's Breath, Coral Bells, English Daisy, Blue Salvia, Queen Anne's Lace, Orchid, Goldenrod, Mock Orange, Anemone, Lupine, White Hollyhock, Marjoram, Lavender.

As the Tibetan prayer flags, break apart by the wind- they bring happiness, long life and prosperity. These colors represent the elements: earth, water, fire, air. space. Blue: health and longevity, White: purification of karma, Red: wish fulfilling prayer, Green: compassion prayer, Yellow: wind horse-victory over obstacles.